Foreign-policy experts debate peace with Iran at UNLV
Fred Fleitz spoke about Iran inside Marjorie Barrick Museum at UNLV on Feb. 11, while foreign-policy experts Scott Bates, Senad Hrustanovic, Christian Whiton and Former U.S Congressman James Bilbray listened. Hrustanovic and Bilbray introduced the panel and a thorough discussion followed. The content below was contributed by Ricardo Torres of the Virtual Rebel.
Ten years after their last attempt, United States and Iran started again to negotiate a nuclear-weapons deal in late 2013. On Feb. 11, foreign-policy experts convened inside the Marjorie Barrick Museum at UNLV to debate the implications of this deal in the “Negotiating Peace with Iran” panel debate. Iran’s nuclear-weapons program made international headlines and the White House praised the deal, noting, “These and other steps will advance our goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”
The UNLV panel consisted of Christian Whiton, author of “Smart Power: Between Diplomacy and War” and a former U.S State Department official, Scott Bates, president of Center for National Policy, and Fred Fleitz, senior fellow of Center for Security Policy and a former CIA analyst who served in the U.S State Department, Senad Hrustanovic, President of Nevada Center on Foreign Relations and Hon. James Bilbray, Former US Congressman.
The roughly 70-person audience listened attentively and exchanged ideas with the panel after the presentation. The free event was sponsored by UNLV College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Office and The Nevada Center on Foreign Relations.1
1 Torres, Ricardo. "Foreign-Policy Experts Debate Peace with Iran at UNLV." Virtual Rebel. Hank Greenspun School of Journalism & Media Studies, 17 Feb. 2014. Web. <>.